🤖 Free LinkedIn Recommendation Generator (AI-Powered)

Writing effective LinkedIn recommendations can be challenging. A quality recommendation highlights someone's strengths and achievements. An AI LinkedIn Recommendation Generator makes it easy to quickly craft personalised recommendations that showcase an individual's talents, providing endorsements that make a difference.

Writing LinkedIn recommendations can feel like trying to capture the essence of someone’s professional journey in just a few sentences. It’s a delicate balance of highlighting their strengths, contributions, and impact without sounding generic or over-the-top. Fortunately, AI-powered LinkedIn recommendation generators are here to simplify this task. These tools help you craft personalised, meaningful endorsements with ease. Dive in to discover how you can use AI to transform your words into a powerful testament to someone's professional prowess.

What are LinkedIn Recommendations?

LinkedIn recommendations are personalised endorsements that serve as powerful tools for affirming your professional abilities and character to potential employers. When you write a LinkedIn recommendation, you're providing a testimonial for someone you've worked with, whether they were a coworker, employee, or manager. These recommendations appear in the recommendations section of the person's LinkedIn profile and act like online reviews, showcasing real-life professional relationships and experiences.

Imagine you're browsing profiles and stumble upon a profile with glowing recommendations. You're likely to take a second look, right? That's because recruiters and hiring managers often weigh these endorsements when making hiring decisions. They can provide a deeper insight into a candidate's background, strengths, and how they're perceived by their peers.

How do you write a good Recommendation on LinkedIn?

When crafting a LinkedIn recommendation, you'll want to focus on clarity and precision.

Begin by recalling specific instances that showcase the individual's skills and your direct experience working with them.

It's crucial to personalise your message, ensuring it reflects the unique professional relationship and accomplishments you've observed.

Manual Methods for writing a Good LinkedIn Recommendation

You'll want to kick off your recommendation with a strong hook that captures interest immediately.

Be sure to clarify how you know the person, as this sets the stage for the credibility of your endorsement.

Don't forget to pinpoint unique skills and discuss specific achievements that showcase their work ethic and contributions.

Start With a Strong Hook

Imagine the sheer number of recommendations on a LinkedIn profile; to ensure yours stands out, start with an opening line that immediately captures interest and conveys your genuine endorsement. Here's how:

  • Share your pleasure of working with the person.
  • Mention a skill that makes the person really stand out.
  • Reference a project that led to remarkable results.
  • End with a punchy 'highly recommend' to write a stand-out LinkedIn recommendation.

Clarify Your Relationship

Having captured your reader's interest with a standout opening line, it's crucial to clarify the nature of your working relationship with the individual you're endorsing.

Your Position

Their Position


Team Member


Team Member



Project Lead



Direct Report

Specify how you worked together and their position at the time.

Highlight Unique Skills

In crafting a LinkedIn recommendation, pinpointing and elaborating on unique skills that distinguish the individual can greatly enhance their professional appeal.

  • Detail their ability to juggle multiple tasks effectively.
  • Emphasise standout project management skills.
  • Describe effective ways to build rapport or lead teams.
  • Highlight what the person does better than others, shining a light on their unique skills.

Mention Achievements

While pinpointing unique skills is crucial, it's equally important to highlight a person's concrete achievements to show the real-world impact of their talents. When you recommend someone, use a table format to succinctly present the projects you've worked on together, their skills, and notable achievements.


Skills Demonstrated


Project A


Increased team productivity by 20%

Project B


Developed a patent-pending product

Project C


Successfully coordinated a cross-departmental campaign

Project D

Technical Ability

Streamlined data analysis, saving 100 hours annually

Discuss Work Ethic

A strong work ethic often distinguishes the good from the great, and when recommending someone on LinkedIn, it's essential to articulate how their dedication and professionalism have made a tangible difference. Consider these points:

  • Describe specific instances where their work ethic boosted job performance.
  • Highlight how their commitment fosters teamwork.
  • Offer recommendation examples that build trust.
  • Emphasise the consistent quality of their work.

Include Personal Anecdotes

Drawing from personal experiences, share a story that vividly illustrates the individual's skills or character in your LinkedIn recommendation.

When I met Sally, her leadership shone.

I particularly enjoyed a project where her strategic thinking saved the day.

These personal anecdotes offer insight into their personality and demonstrate the value of working together.

It's these relatable tales that truly highlight someone's unique contributions and strengths.

Endorse With Enthusiasm

Endorsing someone with genuine enthusiasm can transform a standard LinkedIn recommendation into a compelling testament to their professional prowess. When you write, consider these steps:

  • Focus your recommendation on specific attributes and achievements.
  • Use LinkedIn recommendation examples for inspiration.
  • Make your stand-out LinkedIn recommendation personal and sincere.
  • Always endorse with enthusiasm, letting your genuine respect shine through.

Keep It Concise

When crafting a LinkedIn recommendation, it's essential to keep your message brief yet powerful, ensuring every word adds value. Here's a quick guide:




Be specific

Use fluff


Highlight impact

Write a novel


Offer feedback

Repeat points





Stick to these principles to make your recommendation resonate.

Using a LinkedIn Recommendation Generator

You might be wondering why you'd use a LinkedIn Recommendation Generator in the first place.

We'll guide you through the simple steps to employ this tool effectively, ensuring your endorsements stand out.

Plus, you'll learn about the benefits of using a generator to craft compelling recommendations quickly.

What is a LinkedIn Recommendation Generator?

A LinkedIn Recommendation Generator is a sophisticated AI-powered tool designed to help you create personalised and compelling LinkedIn recommendations. Whether you’re looking to endorse a colleague, a mentor, or a business partner, this tool takes the guesswork out of writing by using advanced algorithms to craft a recommendation that captures the essence of your relationship and the person’s professional strengths.

How Does a LinkedIn Recommendation Generator Work?

The LinkedIn Recommendation Generator uses a combination of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to craft a recommendation. Here’s a step-by-step look at how it works:

  1. Input Analysis:
    • When you provide the tool with the necessary details (name, job title, company, role, and attributes), the AI analyses these inputs to understand the context and the desired tone of the recommendation.
  2. Contextual Understanding:
    • The AI taps into its vast database of professional language patterns and examples. It uses NLP to comprehend the nuances of the inputs, ensuring the recommendation reflects the right professional tone and context.
  3. Content Generation:
    • The generator constructs a recommendation that is both coherent and relevant. It integrates the given inputs into a narrative that highlights the individual’s strengths and professional qualities.
    • The tool often provides different styles or templates to suit various preferences, whether you want a formal, enthusiastic, or neutral tone.

Why use a LinkedIn Recommendation Generator?

Writing a recommendation on LinkedIn is more than just a nice gesture; it’s a powerful way to validate someone's professional capabilities and character. However, crafting a meaningful recommendation that truly reflects someone's skills and impact can be challenging. Here’s why a LinkedIn Recommendation Generator is an invaluable tool for this purpose:

1. Saves Time and Effort

Time is often a luxury, especially in the fast-paced professional world. Drafting a thoughtful recommendation involves careful consideration of the person's achievements, qualities, and the tone of the message. A LinkedIn Recommendation Generator significantly reduces the time spent on this process by quickly transforming your inputs into a polished recommendation. Here’s how it saves time:

  • Quick Drafts: The generator produces a comprehensive draft in minutes.
  • No Writer’s Block: It eliminates the struggle of finding the right words or structure.
  • Revisions Simplified: Easy-to-tweak drafts mean less time refining and more time focusing on what matters.

2. Ensures High-Quality Recommendations

Not everyone is a seasoned writer, and even those who are may find it tough to consistently write impactful recommendations. The generator ensures that every recommendation is of high quality by leveraging AI to produce content that is both articulate and personalised.

  • Professional Tone: Maintains a consistent and appropriate tone for a business setting.
  • Tailored Content: Incorporates specific details about the person and their role, making each recommendation unique.
  • Avoids Generic Phrases: Uses sophisticated language to avoid clichés and common phrases, ensuring the recommendation stands out.

3. Provides a Personal Touch

Despite being AI-driven, the generator can produce recommendations that feel personal and genuine. This is achieved by incorporating your unique inputs and the AI’s ability to understand context and sentiment.

  • Detailed Customisation: You can specify the attributes and experiences you want to highlight.
  • Reflects Relationship: Captures the essence of your professional relationship and the individual’s impact on you or the organisation.
  • Adjustable Tone: Options to tweak the tone and style to align with how you wish to convey your thoughts.

4. Enhances Professional Networking

LinkedIn recommendations can significantly boost someone's profile, making them more attractive to recruiters, potential clients, and colleagues. Using a generator helps you contribute meaningfully to others’ professional journeys without the stress of drafting from scratch.

  • Strengthens Connections: Shows your appreciation and support, strengthening professional relationships.
  • Improves Visibility: High-quality recommendations enhance the visibility and credibility of both the recommender and the recipient.
  • Mutual Benefit: When you write recommendations for others, they’re often encouraged to reciprocate, enriching your own profile.

5. Facilitates Balanced and Objective Endorsements

Crafting a recommendation that is both complimentary and honest can be tricky. The generator can help strike this balance by focusing on factual inputs and structuring them in a way that is genuine and respectful.

  • Balanced View: Highlights strengths without exaggerated praise, maintaining credibility.
  • Objective Language: Uses professional language that reflects the actual contributions and skills of the individual.
  • Avoids Bias: The AI’s structured approach helps in avoiding overly subjective or biased language.

6. Ideal for Multiple Recommendations

If you need to write several recommendations, the generator can be a lifesaver. It helps maintain a consistent level of quality across all recommendations, whether for team members, mentors, or peers.

  • Scalable Solution: Efficiently handles the need to write multiple recommendations without compromising quality.
  • Consistency: Ensures that all recommendations have a cohesive and professional tone.
  • Bulk Writing: Ideal for managers or professionals who need to write for several colleagues.

Steps to use the LinkedIn Recommendation Generator

Writing a LinkedIn recommendation can feel like a challenge, especially if you're short on time or unsure how to phrase your praise effectively. Luckily, the LinkedIn Recommendation Generator simplifies this task. Here’s how you can use it step-by-step:

  1. Enter the Name of the Person You Want to Recommend
    • Start by filling in the name of your colleague or friend. Using their full name ensures the recommendation is personalised and professional.
  2. Enter Their Job Title
    • Input the job title they hold. This gives context to their responsibilities and areas of expertise. For example, "Marketing Manager" or "Software Engineer."
  3. Enter the Company Name
    • Specify the company they are currently working for. This detail helps frame their role within the organisation's structure.
  4. Enter the Role of the Person You Want to Recommend
    • Elaborate on their specific role or contributions within the company. This can include their key responsibilities or notable projects they have worked on.
  5. Enter What You Want to Include in the Recommendation
    • Think about what makes this person stand out. Highlight their strengths, achievements, work ethic, or how they have positively impacted your team or project. Be specific and genuine in your praise.
  6. Click on "Generate"
    • After filling in all the required fields, click on the "Generate" button. The tool will create a well-structured and polished recommendation based on the information provided.

Tips for writing Good LinkedIn Recommendation

Crafting a LinkedIn recommendation is more than just writing a testimonial; it's about creating a narrative that highlights an individual's unique professional attributes and contributions. These recommendations can significantly impact someone's career prospects, as they offer a personal and professional endorsement visible to a wide network. Here are some key tips to write a meaningful and effective LinkedIn recommendation:

  1. Start With a Personal Touch: Begin your recommendation by mentioning your professional relationship with the person. Specify how you know them and for how long. This personalises the recommendation and sets the context for the reader.
  2. Highlight Key Strengths: Identify and focus on one or two key strengths or skills of the person. It could be their leadership qualities, technical skills, problem-solving abilities, or team collaboration. Use specific examples or instances where these qualities were evident.
  3. Emphasise Impact: Describe how the person’s contributions positively impacted the team or the project. Mention any specific achievements or outcomes that were a direct result of their efforts. This provides tangible evidence of their capabilities.
  4. Use a Storytelling Approach: Whenever possible, narrate a brief story that illustrates their skills and achievements. Stories are more engaging and memorable, making your recommendation stand out.
  5. Mention Soft Skills: Besides professional skills, highlight their soft skills like communication, work ethic, or adaptability. These are increasingly valued in the professional world and paint a well-rounded picture of the individual.
  6. Keep it Concise and Authentic: While it’s important to be comprehensive, keep your recommendation concise and to the point. Avoid over-exaggeration and ensure that what you write is genuine and credible.
  7. End on a Strong Note: Conclude with a strong statement of recommendation. Express your belief in their abilities and your confidence in recommending them for future opportunities.
  8. Proofread Before Sending: Always review your recommendation for any grammatical or typographical errors. A well-written, error-free recommendation reflects both on you and the individual you’re endorsing.

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